CAPES está de ‘brincanagem’

Recebi o seguinte e-mail da UNICAMP: Informamos que, por determinacao da CAPES, a partir do dia 06/05/2016 as Universidades Estaduais Paulistas passarao a ter acesso centralizado ao conteudo do Portal de Periodicos Capes somente pelo endereco: . Com isso, a unica forma de acesso sera pelo Portal de Periodicos. Outros buscadores (Google, Bing, sites das editoras, etc), nao mais funcionarao. As opcoes de busca disponiveis no portal do SBU, nas abas todos, bases de dados, e-periodicos e e-books, que congregam os conteudos assinados tanto pela Unicamp quanto pela CAPES, estao sendo corrigidos e em breve estarao em pleno funcionamento. […]

Thoughts after a whole day using Leap 42.1

This a copy of the message that I tried to share with openSUSE user mail list ( but I’ve got blocked :/ I’m writing this e-mail to share my experiences after a whole day using openSUSE Leap 42.1. The installation was pretty easy and worked ok. IMHO, the boot screen is awful. But it’s a taste thing, so nevermind. Everything started to go down the hill after logging into KDE. Unfortunately, Plasma 5 is really broken, the desktop environment is so unstable that I’ve missed the panel, the krunner and/or, kwin multiple times. Working with two displays (multihead) was kind […]

Forwarding the message “Guerilla Open Access Manifesto”

Am I the only one who thinks this is totally correct? Specially in brazilian case, where most of the scientific knowledge produced is funded by government, which means the tax payers, whose majority cannot access the private scientific databases? Well, let’s think about it. Guerilla Open Access Manifesto Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations. Want to read the papers featuring the most […]

Building and using an encrypted container stored in a remote host (encfs+sshfs)

Those lines below are my notes to mount an remote folder through ssh, using sshfs [1] and building an encrypted container with encfs [2]. I’ll not explain in details how to install sshfs and encfs ’cause it dependes whether linux distribution or unix-like bsd flavor you’re running, furthermore, there are tons of documents on web convering these topics. IMHO, this is a great solution to easily store securely your files in any remote host (cloud) that you have access through ssh, using well known common unix tools. 1) Mount remote filesystem through ssh: sshfs user@host:/full/path/dir/ /full/path/mount_point It’s important to say […]

Quando um atendimento acaba virando uma grande surpresa…

Tive uma experiência positivamente surpreendente com a ASK​ (@GrupoASK, Precisei de ajuda para conseguir substituir uma peça de um suporte do teclado da Maria Luiza Peixoto​ e me reportei ao “fale conosco” do site. A equipe da ASK, exatamente a Marina Nobre, não poupou esforços para me atender da melhor forma, mais atenciosa e cordial impossível. Buscou uma loja autorizada que fosse próxima à minha residência, indicando-me inclusive a pessoa com quem deveria tratar. Na loja, chamada COPPITEL Eletrônica (110 sul), fui também atendida de forma cordial. Novamente fiquei surpresa ao saber que o item me foi enviado sem que […]